Posts in Presentation Skills
Does today's market dictate your need for superior presentation skills?

In a word, "YES." Superior presentations skills help give you the needed edge in today’s market. Everyone needs to put their best foot forward when presenting business ideas or proposals. You may have the greatest product or service in the world but if it is not communicated in a positive way it could end up looking like and sounding like everyone else’s solution. You want to stand out and one way to differentiate yourself is to present professionally.

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How can I control my nerves and gain confidence?

“How can I get over my nerves?” “I’ve been avoiding giving presentations and now my boss is starting to notice – can you help me?” “Can you just sprinkle some fairy dust over me and make me better?” These are the questions I often get from folks wanting to be better communicators. First of all, applause to you for wanting to up your game and recognizing enhancements can be made. The fairy dust part is harder to accomplish but I get it so we can work with that.

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The Value of Presence and Energy

Energy is all around you. It’s in your voice, your body language, your attitude and others “get” it from you the moment you enter a space.  Your energy has the power to engage, repel or just plain bore. If your career choice requires you to present and interact with others knowing how to boost your energy when needed is highly recommended. Here are some pointers:

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