Presentation Skills for public speaking confidence, Stage Presence, Contract Training

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What’s PIZZAZZ got to do With Your Sales Presentations?

What’s PIZZAZZ got to do With It? Can’t you just hear Tina Turner in the background? When your business could use a lift and everything needs a little extra somethin’ somethin’ think about how you present to others whether it is sales proposals or gaining new business. Whatever the occasion, great presenting could be your differentiator – the difference between mediocre and WOW!...and could be the memorable factor that gets you the deal. Here are a few TIPS so you can practice your !! WOW Pizzazz !! Factor.

  • Here are two things that are huge confidence builders and can carry you all the way through your presentation.

    •  Have a Strong opening. Getting off on the right foot is crucial so practice and commit to memory if you have to so everything that follows goes more smoothly. Trust me, recovering from a weak opening is like trying to climb out of a deep hole so do yourself a favor and stay above ground.

    • You have a few seconds, about 30 to be exact, to establish yourself as someone with credibility and having earned the right to speak on a subject. If you don’t, the Blackberrys and cell phones will be out in full force twittering and texting. You will lose them.

  • Interact with the audience, ask open-ended questions and invite their participation. This makes it easier because the focus is off you for the moment and it shows your audience you respect them.

  • WIIFM – What’s In It for Them? Focus on your audience, not yourself. They are there to learn about your products, your services or your proposal. Make sure you state the benefit of your offering near the beginning of your presentation. In fact, go so far as to state: “the benefits to you in implementing __________ are:

    • _______________________

    • _______________________

    • _______________________

And, based on the approved survey we completed together, it was determined you could save $_____/year in terms of productivity if these three areas were implemented.”  Assuming you have done your homework and know your audience, now you have them interested because they know what’s in it for them.#1 Fear – Dying#2 Fear – Speaking#3 Fear – Dying While Speaking- Author Unknown, at least to me